Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Biking "Everest" - in Southern MN

302 miles of joy, pain, excitement, anger, euphoria, frustration, and faith...3 days on two wheels...God...is...AMAZING.

It WAS insanity. And maybe even a joke. But you have to watch who you're joking around - someone just might take you seriously.

That's how I and six others ended up riding across southern MN...on bikes. 302 miles worth of MN. In three days.

When we started training...I wondered if we'd ever make it...or at least wondered if I'd make it. 10 miles was a struggle...hills seemed impossible at times. But then it got a little easier, and then we went a little farther...but still, even a 40 mile ride is nothing compared to 300. There was really no way to know if our bodies could handle it.

We watched the weather every day, constantly checking with one another...wondering what we'd have those three days. First it was rainy. Then sunny. Then windy...or stormy. By the day before, we were still looking at a cold and rainy first day, and chances of thunderstorms the second two. And, we'd originally planned on riding west to east. The wind was supposed to be strong. And...out of the east southeast.

So, we adapted. Our starting point shifted from the South Dakota border to Spring Valley - so that we could ride with the wind the first two days, each 100+ miles. We would go from Spring Valley to Fairmont, from Fairmont to the South Dakota border, and then from Spring Valley to La Crosse, Wisconsin. We'd still cover the whole span, just not all in the same direction.

We loaded up gear and bikes on Thursday night, and met at 6:30 on Friday morning to leave for our starting point. It was chilly, but not unbearable, and though it had rained a bit the night before, it was holding off for the morning. We got loaded, took off, and found an intersection to start at. Air pressure was checked, helmets and riding gloves put on, energy bars stashed in pockets, water bottles filled. And off we went...up a hill for starters.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Borning Cry...

"I was there to hear your borning cry, I'll be there when you are old.
I rejoiced the day you were baptized, to see your life unfold.
I was there when you were but a child, with a faith to suit you well;
In a blaze of light you wandered off, to find where demons dwell."

"When you heard the wonder of the Word, I was there to cheer you on;
You were raised to praise the living Lord, to whom you now belong.
If you find someone to share your time, and you join your hearts as one,
I'll be there to make your verses rhyme, from dusk 'till rising sun."

In the middle ages of your life, not too old, no longer young,
I'll be there to guide you through the night, complete what I've begun.
When the evening gently closes in, and you shut your weary eyes,
I'll be there as I have always been, with just one more surprise."

"I was there to hear your borning cry, I'll be there when you are old.
I rejoiced the day you were baptized,to see your life unfold."

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I woke up with this song in my head this morning, though I can't find a reason as to why. I haven't heard it recently - I guess I could have dreamt it...if I did, I don't remember.

Then, I decided to open up my devotion book...for the first time in months. This is what I found...

Praying to Die Well

Many people say, "I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of dying." This is quite understandable, since dying often means illness, pain, dependency, and loneliness.

The fear of dying is nothing to be ashamed of. It is the most human of all human fears. Jesus himself entered into that fear. In his anguish "sweat fell to the groudn like great drops of blood" (Luke 22:44). How must we deal with our fear of dying? Like Jesus we mus pray that we may receive special strength to make the great passage to new life. Then we can trust that God will send us an angel to comfort us, as he sent an angel to Jesus.

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What am I supposed to think? Ever since the last time I visited Russ at the hospital, I haven't been able to get him and what he said out of my mind...about his writing the piece for the Lenten journal... and the fact that I've now tried to visit him twice since, and he's been sleeping. I don't know what I'm supposed to think...or do...

Into your hands we commend our spirits... Amen.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mark 12:34 - "When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, 'You are not far from the kingdom of God.' After that no one dared to ask him any question."

"I've got it!" The lightbulb truly came on for the scribe that appears in this story - after all, to be told by Jesus that you are not far from the kingdom of God - can you even imagine? It seems like it was often a rarity for someone to grasp Jesus' teachings...or at least to grasp them to this extent.

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Luke 12:34 - "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."


Friday, May 09, 2008

Come to the water...

So, I decided a couple days ago that I really need to work on my personal faith life more than I have been. Working in a church can be a challenge in that respect - it is easy to feel like you're getting your fill of faith when you're inside the walls of a church the bulk of your day - but sometimes I think it's the opposite - we spend so much time "doing" church that we forget to experience it.

Now, for a tangent - I was over at a friend's house the other day and told them a random fact about me - for the last, oh, at least six years, I have a habit of seeing the numbers 1234 together...whether it's the time on a clock, a score on a scoreboard, a price, those stickers that come on clocks before you buy them with a pre printed time, getting phone calls and e-mails at that time...etc. For instance, I was buying some books online today, and this particular site offers a discount on certain books when you buy others - and one of the books was available for the lovely price of $12.34. So I bought it...figuring maybe there's a reason I noticed that.

...so, to return to my point...I decided one way of adding a little more Bible study in a fun way back to my daily routine, I'd start at the beginning of the Bible and look up a few 12:34 verses each day - turns out Genesis doesn't have one, but Exodus does, so that's where I'm starting.

I'll post some thoughts here each day when I do them along with other random thoughts that might be going through my head. Enjoy.

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Exodus 12:34 - "So the people took their dough before it was leavened, with their kneading bowls wrapped up in their cloaks on their shoulders."

- This verse appears immediately following Pharaoh's command for the Israelites to leave Egypt, after the plague of the firstborn has occurred. Everyone seems to be in a bit of a frenzy here...the Egyptians because many of them have just lost their firstborn children, the Israelites because suddenly they were free from the Egyptians - after 430 years of bondage. The Israelites left quickly - so quickly, in fact, that they had to take their dough before it had risen - they literally picked up and left.

I can't imagine what must have been going through the Israelite's heads...disbelief, amazement, gratefulness, confusion. Not only were they finally free of their oppressors, but they were also allowed to plunder the Egyptians before they left, taking gold and silver and other trinkets.

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1 Chronicles 12:34 - "Of Naphtali, a thousand commanders, with who there were thirty-seven thousand armed with shield and spear."

Part of David's army, who came to Hebron to help turn the kingdom of Saul over to him. Not sure what to make of this one yet...

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Ezra 12:34 - "Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah, and Jeremiah,"

Folks who were at the dedication of the city wall in Jerusalem. Again, more on this later.

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Matthew 12:34 - "You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."

The abundance of the heart. This one might need some more thought - the first direction my mind went is an interesting one - what fills our hearts and causes them to have the abundance of one thing or another?

I wonder about kids sometimes these days, and how difficult their lives seem to be. I can think of a handful in my own youth group that are consistently "exceedingly boisterous" - and give those who lead them in things like confirmation a run for their money. However, get one of them alone for a few minutes, away from influences and others to impress...and suddenly you see another side of them...someone who can carry on a conversation, someone who simply wants to be heard...or better yet, listened to.

What is filling them at home? I don't know most of their families, at least not well. I don't know them well enough to know what they are being filled with, or what they are allowing themselves to be filled with (the two are very different - some parents try again and again to break through the tough shells of some kids, and just haven't found the right tool to do so) - very different from a parent who is distant, a parent who is absent, or a parent who is there...but may be abusive, or simply unable to offer the care and love that is needed for one reason or another.

"Out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks..." - Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees here - speaking to them in a parable about a tree being known by its fruit - clearly a bad tree cannot produce good fruit, it will produce bad fruit. He continues to tell them that one day they will have to account for all that they have done - that they will either be condemned or justified by their words.

We know that by grace we are saved from our own shortcomings...but can a person whose heart is full of evil, of pain, of anger, or of hopelessness fully understand that grace? If our heart's abundance is one of these things, can we feel God's grace?

I ask this question because I think hearts that understand and are full of the Grace of God are the ones that speak love and good deeds - after all, how can someone who has seen death and come back from it not know the glory that life holds? We have been rescued from our own condemnation, and lived to tell the tale!! We want to tell about it! We want to share it! We want others to understand...

...more later...I need more time to process....

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Kallie's thoughts

hi jennyfer

Sermon and other musings...

April 6, 2008

On the road to Emmaus...Luke 24:13-35

We had hoped - fragility
We did have hope, but...
De's have been De-feated.

Unknown Date - Nicodemus

I don't think it's a coincidence that I ended up here - at a place called Grace. I don't think too many places I could have ended up after Olivet...the mountain top experience...could have fit me as well as this place did....as it does...

Take that heart home with you and do something with it.

Unknown Date - The Greatest Seeker of All

Seek Ye first - during lent - with Alleluia - hehehe...

How do you live in and live out your baptism?
Not repaired, but made new -
We are new vessels

Unknown Date - Healing Sunday

If we know who holds the final hour, we don't need to be anxious about the next moment.
There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin sick soul

Unknown date -

Not think less of yourself, think of yourself less.
Inviting others in - what this world needs

Cafe story - soup that tasted like communion bread and wine -
ELW 641

Unknown Date - Pastor Steve

Gospel - Matthew 3:13-17 - Jesus Baptized by John
Such An Outh of the Ordinary Man

Children's sermon - Graduation - you work really hard at something , and if you get most of it right, you get to go on

At graduation, you put this hat on, and put the tassel like this, then you get handed the piece of paper and move the tassel - does she look smarter now?

No, not really -

Lunch on the Word - May 6 2008

John 7:37-39

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink - Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water" - parallels between this and the verses were Jesus says, I am in the Father and the father is in me - we are able to lift others up with living water

Accepting something mentally -

Servant's entrance - out into the real world
Naming and claming the Holy Spirit - which come's first?

If We are the Body - Stained Glass Masquerade

Where are we being led?

"mission" oriented

What strikes you?