Thursday, October 05, 2006


We live in a world full of darkness. A world where your next step could be your last, where being in the wrong place at the wrong time could mean getting in the way of someone's crime, where stepping in to help settle an argument could mean the wrath of the assailant falls on you. A world where innocent children are murdered, and where people die for living good lives, and where evil men and women reign over us. Yeah, it's a dismal outlook at life, and it may seem pessimistic but....

I was talking to a good friend of mine earlier tonight, and during a relatively short phone conversation, he told me that earlier that evening, he and some of his housemates were outside their house in the cities, and they heard what sounded like very close gun shots. They headed back in the house, called 911, and waited. They ended up finding out later that someone a few houses down from them was murdered. It scared me. People who are innocent end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, get in the way, and end up the victim. What if he had been down the road a little ways? Could it have ended up being him instead? And just a day or so ago...I heard news of a fight at a local high school, where a handfull of students ended up getting suspended, and a couple of teachers and administrators almost ended up on the receiving end of some blows. What is happening here? What if one of those kids hadn't missed? What if they would have completely lost their tempers?

We can play 'what if' forever. And, truthfully, there are dangers everywhere. Always. This was not a once in a millenium occurrence...stuff like this happens all over the world every day. So, it seems we are left with a choice. We can cower in fear, succumbing to the threats of evil, or we can live, knowing that life is precious, and appreciating the lives we are given. We can pray that God gives us opportunities to show love in a world of hate, and we can pray that God gives us the strength to overcome when bad things do happen to us and those we love.

Let us come together, let us live with courage and faith....and let us believe that there is something more to life than this dim world.

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