Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What have we become...

The week begins. You walk into the bathroom only to find that the bottle of shampoo that was full two days before is almost empty, not to mention lying in the bottom of the shower. You know who did it, go find them and yell at them, and they don't care. Then, you go tell your parents - who roll their eyes and shrug it off...making you even more incensed. Clearly, they don't care about your plight...and like your good for nothing brother more than you.

Now, all of this would be fine if the siblings in question were ten and twelve. But when they're both in their mid twenties...well...that's another story altogether. What is the parent supposed to think when their 24 year old daughter comes to them whining that their older brother (they both still live at home) stole something of theirs? I know parents are supposed to love their children unconditionally, but there comes a time when you really just have to let them "fight their own battles." The parents see the potential (however well masked) in both of their children, but what did they do wrong that they haven't yet succeeded in raising a self sufficient child?

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