Monday, June 18, 2007

A day in the life of...numero uno

So, I'm off at camp. And I just decided that it would be a good idea for me to write a post every day that I'm here, since it seems that part of my coming to camp (at least in my own head) is a chance for me to be able to remove myself a bit and just have time to be, to think, to relax. I am getting there - I've still got one thing hanging over my head that is making it difficult to let go of work and of life at home, but with any luck, I'll be done with it (at least mostly done) by today, and then I can really let go.

I got to go out on a bike ride today for just a little while, and I managed to find a little beach in a state park and I walked along it in my bare feet for a while. The water was so clear - a far cry from the murky ones at home. I'm hoping that later on this afternoon if the sun comes out, maybe I can sneak away again and go for a swim.

This morning was really good, although I didn't get a chance to go for a run like I'd hoped I would. Sleep just sounded so much better... but I got up, had breakfast, and then spent the better part of an hour hanging around and talking with 4 of the other sponsors that are here at camp with their kids. We talked about books, our churches, people, all kinds of things. One of the guys that is here is originally from Australia, so it was interesting to hear some of his input on things. I am also always amused by hearing the conversations pastors have with one another - it cracks me up. Stories about church horrors, funny things that happen, crazy people, other crazy pastors - so funny to listen to. I guess that's what happens when you put a bunch of leaders in a room together - they compare. I suppose just about anyone does that though, myself included...

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