Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Day in the Life...numero tres

So, I am ready for bed and I learn that my parents and grandparents are both under severe thunderstorm warnings AND tornado warnings...ugh...I am really hoping it's all just a scare...I just got done saying this evening that I was bummed that I haven't seen a tornado before, but I always put the tag on it that I don't want it to be coming anywhere near me... the same is true of my family. Yikes.

This post is late, and while it is true that I technically missed a day, it was only by 5 minutes. I really had a lot going through my mind today - a lot about people. The arts and crafts/drummer guy here at camp has been on my mind...and what his life is like below the surface. He's known around camp as something of a crazy presence, which he is, but I have to wonder sometimes what and who he is when the craziness isn't around - and for that matter, if people take the time to realize that there is another side to him than what they see 90 percent of the time. His history is both fascinating and and interesting, and he's been at camp here doing his thing for at least 15 years. It's been so much fun to talk to him this week - he is remarkably passionate about what he does. When he plays his djembes and drums, you can tell that he is feeling the music when he plays, completley lost in it. He loves teaching arts and crafts, "hobnobing with the kiddos," etc. And just hearing his perspective on things at mealtime conversations and, I dunno, I really have a heart for him, and really hope others take the time to listen to him and to see below the surface. I'm going to miss seeing him when I leave this week...he's a great guy.

I got home Tuesday night to find that one of my camper's grandma had died. It was odd not being there for it...but when I got back Wenedady morning, she seemed alright - given the circumstances. She left not too long after lunch though, and should be back Wed. afternoon.

Yesterday was beautiful, I got a chance to hop in the lake for a bit, do some tye dyeing, and rock out to some worship songs. I also went to Bible study with my girls, which was cool and made me think (post about that to follow later) The camper talent show and camper led worship was that evening also, and despite an interesting choice of joke and some rowdy kids, it was pretty great. We left worship after being cooped up in chairs for two hours, and i was so wound up I could hardly sit still. We went down to the dock last night after dark and watched the lightning off in the distance for a while, then came back and had a conversation about the changing face of youth ministry - and what our kids really need - and how we give that to them.

I love camp.

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