Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Day in the Life...numero cuatro

I almost am not sure even what to put here for today - it's been amazing. I had so much fun at dinner tonight - an hour and a half long "conversation" with the counselors and Mitsu and Alli that had us all rolling - evil elmo, dancing monkeys with bright pants, and the peanutbutterjelly time banana doing the salsa in people's brains. Add that to conversations about special brownies, songs about photoshopping love, and other random episodes, I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. It was wonderful. This week has been such a great thing for me - and I am so glad I let myself enjoy the time I spent here...or at least got my mind off work enough to enjoy it.

Tonight was the mime that the staff puts on...and I found that the prevailing thought in my head was one that centered around wanting to feel the joy and fire that those who come to know Christ through adversity feel. We truly do have it easy, and I don't think I know what it really means to thirst for God the way they do. I want that feeling, I want that renewed passion and hope that I feel like I've lost some of. It was beautiful and thought provoking, a wonderful end to the week.

We spent part of the afternoon watching the weather and trying to see if it was going to storm on us - turns out all we really got was a lot of wind and a few drops of rain. I got up early enough this am to see the sunrise - it was gorgeous and I got a few beautiful pictures of it also. I ran into Mitsu on the way back and got to talk to him a bit, got my tye dye back, and headed up to staff devo time. That was also really cool...Pastor Alan talked about what it meant to be a water bearer for Christ - and that we may not get to see all of the changes that take place because of the miracles that are performed, but we do get the privilege of knowing that miracles are happening. The story of 4 funerals and a wedding, and the two weddings...Isaac's wife, and the wedding at Cana. We are truly blessed to be asked to carry out God's work, though it may be difficult at the time, the things we learn from taking part are unbelievable.

Tomorrow I go home, and I pray now and continually that I am able to take some of my excitement back. This truly was an amazing week that I got to share with incredible new friends...Camp is indeed a spirit filled place...Praise God for it.

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